Reasons To Try Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis – now there’s a word to conjure with! What does it mean to you? Swinging pocket watches? Zombie-like state? No recollection of what has happened? This is usually how hypnosis is portrayed in the world of films and entertainment. The real story is that years of research shows hypnosis can play an important and effective part in our overall health and well-being.
When you experience hypnosis, the relaxed state induced gives your mind the opportunity to be at its most alert level. This state produces a heightened sense of awareness and concentration and allows the mind to work in its most powerful way. During a session of clinical hypnosis, usually called hypnotherapy, the therapist guides the client into a deeply relaxed state. The client will remain in control at all times and will only relax just as far as they are comfortable with. Once in this calm state, the client becomes more responsive to positive suggestions. These suggestions will be tailored to the client’s individual needs and issues so no two people will experience hypnosis in the same way.
A client may seek help with several issues. This powerful technique has a successful track record for issues such as weight gain, phobias, stopping smoking, anxiety and addiction/compulsions.
These are not only ‘hearsays’ – but scientific-backed benefits of hypnosis:
Quote from American Poet, Emily Dickson (1830 – 1886): “The brain is wider than the sky; for, put them side by side, The one, The other will contain with ease – and you – besides.”
Reasons To Try Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can help with weight loss
Hypnotherapy is a brief intervention and change can begin to occur in as little as 2 to 3 sessions, depending on the issue.
Hypnosis harnesses the power of the unconscious mind which makes change appear natural and so more easily accepted.

Hypnosis may improve sleep
We all enter trance like states on occasion. Daydreaming, focus elsewhere and suddenly becoming aware of surroundings again are all ways in which our brains find time to process the information it receives constantly. Hypnosis uses the natural phenomenon to assist the body and mind into a heightened state of awareness where any learning or new information is more easily accepted.

Hypnosis can help to reduce stress and anxiety in children and young people
Did you know Hypnosis is easy and natural, working with the body and minds natural abilities?
Sessions can be conducted in person or via Zoom.
These are a few reasons to try hypnotherapy…
Stress and anxiety in children and young people
All children and young people are different and react to life in different ways. At some stages, particularly pre-school and teenage years, children can find it hard to control emotions.
This is a normal part of their development as they learn to cope with life and realise they can’t have everything their own way.
Hypnosis can help to manage pain
It makes sense to think that if a person can relax and remain calm then they generally tend to feel better so with that in mind, clients find that hypnotherapy can support them in managing both acute and chronic conditions.
Hypnosis can ease anxiety
Hypnosis produces a calming and relaxing state in the client therefore allowing the subconscious mind to explore issues that may otherwise be ignored, glossed over and not addressed, in order to move forward.
Hypnosis can help reduce stress
Stress is a silent killer that exposes you to a lot of chronic illnesses. If you have a lot of stress in your life and you feel like it won’t simply go away with proper diet and exercise, hypnosis is worth trying.
Hypnosis may aid in weight loss
Dieting becomes more effective (up to 30 per cent) when observed with hypnosis. If you have tried and failed on occasion to reach your target weight using fad diets and medication, stop!
Virtual Gastric Band Therapy
Tired of dieting? Lack energy and enthusiasm? The Virtual Gastric Band Programme provides a safe alternative to other weight loss systems and it is not a diet!
Hypnosis may improve sleep
Sleep is so important to our general well being and affects our ability to cope with day to day life, stress levels, immunity etc. therefore sleep deprivation or disturbed sleep can lead to all sorts of issues.
Hypnosis can help support with parental anxiety
Pregnancy, birth and the early weeks of parenthood can be a testing and emotional time for parents. Hypnotherapy can help to reduce irrational fears and keep parents calm.
Hypnosis can help with managing IBS symptoms
According to multiple systematic reviews of the research literature, hypnotherapy may be a helpful treatment for managing IBS symptoms.