Case Study: Eve W

When Eve started reflexology sessions with Susan Grainger Therapy, she expected it to simply be another way to focus on her own wellbeing; just one of many tools to look after her physical and mental health alongside more traditional talking therapy. Little did she know that reflexology was set to bring so many benefits it would end up being one of the only tools she needed.

“I can honestly say that going to the first appointment is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself,” she said. “I’ve had four sessions now and I can’t see a time or a reason why I would stop going to see Susan.”

“I expected the reflexology to be something that would offer me some additional time and space to relax and regroup but it’s been so much more.”

Since starting her reflexology journey, Eve has had fewer issues with her digestive system and has seen her mental health improve. “I was having talking therapy for PTSD but after each session, I’d struggle. It left me emotionally drained and feeling very low,” she explained. “Reflexology has the totally opposite effect. I feel boosted and energised, both physically and mentally.”

Eve puts much of this down to Susan’s ability to listen and advise, without judgement or expectation.

“Susan lets me talk about anything. If I want to talk about my feelings then she’s there for me but if I want to talk about something run-of-the-mill and mundane, she lets me. Either way, it’s an hour for me to empty my brain with someone I trust completely and that’s a huge help.”

“Not only is Susan an excellent listener she’ll often offer little solutions or bits of advice but always without any pressure. It means I leave every session feeling brilliant.”

For more information, a taster session or to book an appointment please contact Susan Grainger on 07512 762546 or email