What Is A Trifle?
What is a trifle? A traditional dessert in essence, maybe a bit old fashioned now but a trifle represented good things for me when I was growing up. My Grandma was the Queen of Puddings! There wasn’t much she couldn’t make be it a fancy pavlova or a sponge pudding and custard, it was always flavoursome and hearty, and there was always plenty of it!
So, back to the trifle. Now, this conversation can get quite controversial, as everyone will have their own version of this stalwart classic. For instance, do you have jelly in yours? This can spark an emotive debate and of course, everyone will think their way is right.
What goes into the bottom of your trifle? Some will go with the more traditional sponge fingers, others with a madeira cake or off cuts of sponge. For me, I like a jam Swiss roll, with or without the cream element.
What kind of container do you use? I once made a trifle in a cool box. I have my Grandma’s crystal trifle dish which obviously invokes many memories of sitting round the table at Christmas or on special days like anniversaries or birthdays with the trifle in the centre, very prominently displayed with the little serving dishes and the special shell-shaped spoons that matched the big serving spoon. There was the air of anticipation and not only of the taste but of the lovely squelching sound the spoon made when it pulled out the first of the helpings!
What type of fruit? Berries or peaches? Pears maybe (especially nice with a chocolate custard layer) or maybe something more exotic. Perhaps you don’t like fruit in your trifle, that’s fine, as we have established, it’s a very personal choice.
Sherry or not? For years I steered clear of a boozy trifle. With young children around it hardly seemed appropriate and to the best of my knowledge it never featured in Grandma’s trifles. When I make one at Christmas, there may be a drop or two! The booze was traditionally used to soften the stale cake or bread that it would have been made with.
Toppings – wow, a positive cornucopia of possibilities!! Sprinkles, cherries, grated chocolate on that deep, oozing layer of soft whipped cream. It was usually my job to halve the glace cherries and place them strategically on the top, a job for which I was praised. The added extra of a Flake bar crumbled over the top was really extravagant!

What am I prattling on about trifle for?? You might well ask. It came up in conversation a while ago when I was searching for an analogy for the idea of a firm, stable foundation of thinking and routine to help guide and support us when other parts of our life or business are less stable, need to change or have some other form of challenge. If the foundation layer is not solid, reliable, and dependable the uncertainty can rock us to the very core causing untold damage to confidence and wellbeing. However, when that foundation is familiar or very similar to what we are used to the effect and damage is lessened, limited and easier to recover from, leaving you free to be creative with your problem solving and get back on track or take things to the next level.
You’ve guessed it, my analogy was that of the humble trifle!
Get those first couple of layers sorted and the rest can be added to and built, and even rebuilt in accordance to need without feeling like you have to start from scratch.
The end result may not look as polished as my Grandma’s efforts but you will have the satisfaction of achieving something that not only looks and tastes delicious, but that is comfortable in the centre stage spot. And you can have the added humour of the squelchy noise as the first spoonful of it comes out!
And, if you need a hand to decide what goes in your trifle, how to make one or what to decorate with, just give me a shout. As you have read, I have lots of experience in this subject!!
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